Friday 13 January 2012

New Year, New Me

So 2011 flicked over to 2012 and I hardly noticed (actually, I was asleep so no surprise really).  Let's be honest, I don't think I missed anything except the hangover on the 1st.

I did stick with some New Years traditions though; a few New Years resolutions:
  • No booze till I get to NZ in eight weeks - first week ok, got derailed by two drinks at a friends 30th, an upcoming work event will be a real test of my will power (and patience to deal with certain people without the assistance of some champers).  Time will tell whether my stress levels can cope with this deprivation.
  • More exercise!  Not doing too badly with this one.  I have managed some form of activity 10 out of the last 12 days.  Experiencing some gym rage in the process - lack of treadmills, smelly men, people pacing around machines you are using.  Not to worry, 50% of this lot will fall off the resolution horse at the end of the month so I can have my gym back!
  • Run the Edinburgh Half Marathon.  This is happening in May so I've got loads of time to prepare for this but I know it fly by and I want to get a good time (and enjoy the after party).
  • Lose some weight.  Well you'd hope that with the above resolutions that this would happen anyway.  Fingers crossed it does.  My face is round like the moon and if I was to bare my "bikini" bod at this moment, windows would crack and small children would cry. 
No plans for the weekend (thanks so called friend for ditching me and stealing my social life) so I expect I can go running and spend lots of time at the gym (haha).  Finished off by a nice piece of lollie cake on Sunday nom nom.

Bring on 2012 :-)

Friday 2 September 2011

Let's Get Ready to Parttttty!

Gosh it has been WAY too long since I've blogged.  I'm struggling to come up with a single topic for today's post so here's a few things I've been doing/thinking about over the recent months:
  • Bridesmaids (The movie):  Laughed so much it hurt.  Funnier than The Hangover and I could relate to so many things that happened in the movie.  As someone pointed out to me "This is totally your life, and the lead character is called Annie!" (ironic or what?!) and to be fair, they are pretty spot on with this observation.  Like Annie, I am a social pariah on occasion due to my "relationship status" but at least my housemates aren't as strange as hers!  She comes out trumps in the end with the hot cop so don't loose faith in me just yet!
  • Boys:  Basically non existent in any decent form in my life.  Dangermouse and I continue to get drunk and disorderly together on a regular basis but that's as far as it goes.  Hmmphh.  A blast from the not-too-distant past got in touch recently.  It has been proposed by some that I should ask him out on a date.  Still undecided on this one.  One one hand, I've not been on a date in FOREVER but on the other hand, he was a bit of a tool last time.  It's not like I'm being swamped with offers so maybe I should just do it?  Discuss please.
  • Karma:  Yep it's true.  Karma will always come back and bite you in the arse.  And just quietly, I'm loving it (ok not the entire situation because that would be heartless.  But most of it, yeah!).  The person who broke my heart recently returned to London Town.  And as Karma would have it, nothing is going his way.  What goes around, comes around mate.  Zero sympathy.
  • Flirty Thirty:  The official big 3 0 date has been and gone so quickly!  Ibiza was amazing, made even more amazing by my great friends who were there with me.  A lot of sun, sea, food, wine, bubbles and fun.  And even a little bit of romance ;-)  I have a feeling that a relationship with an Argentinian doctor who lives in Mallorca is not the best way forward though.  He was so cute though (and really sweet).
I'm wondering what this next year will bring?  Any ideas/theories?  All I know is that if the last month is anything to go by, it's going to be pretty fantastic!


Wednesday 22 June 2011

Wanted: Gossip!

Well it has certainly been a while since my last blog post.  And for good reason too, the lack of action in the romance/boy scene is getting ridiculous!

A few weeks ago I steaming ahead on the friendship front with Mr Danger Mouse, all was going well - he even came to a BBQ at my place in the rain!  So things were looking good there, I wasn't seducing him at inappropriate moments or making a dick of myself.  I definitely thought I was in with a grin. 

All my wonderful romantic ideas came crashing down a few weeks ago during a rather drunken (but fun-filled) evening at the pub, during which time Danger Mouse told someone else he'd been hurt in his past and then continued to tell me that he doesn't care about anyone or anything.  Great, this is EXACTLY the kind of guy I've been looking for for the last 30 years.  YES.

Clearly some issues there on his part.  Which is sad for me in some respects but at least I'm not left wondering what the f*&k is going on with him and stop wasting my time.  And we're still great mates - another night out last week proved most hilarious with conga dancing and me dragging Danger Mouse to the station when the party got way too messy! 

Maybe he will see the light one day and say "Oh that girl Tinkerbell, she's pretty awesome.  And she's been really nice to me (like making sure I get home after too many beers).  I think I will ask her out on a date (and maybe get a cheeky snog out of it, I think she'd like that)".  That definitely could happen. 

And just for the record, I would let him snog me. Ha.

Friday 20 May 2011

Fill in the Blanks Friday!

At last it is FRIDAY!  Bring on the weekend - sun and the rugby sevens!  And to keep you entertained, here's some random questions and my answers :-)

1. People always tell me I look like...My dad, my brother or my mum. 

2. Friends don't let friends...get hurt by others, walk around with food in their teeth, buy terrible outfits (unless for fancy dress parties!), dance on tables (unless it's a group effort!).

3. A sunny day is perfect for...Lying in the park, drinking wine and eating yummy cheese.  Sunny days are also good for going on a run!

4. My favourite accessory Miu Miu sunnies and the barbie floaties I wore last weekend.

5. If I could afford it I a house - no more housemates!! (but loads of room for friends!)

6. The cure for boredom is...Having a nap.  Although it doesn't always make you feel good when you wake up.  Best to read a book.  Or go shopping.  Or have something to eat.

8. I am currently 'in like' with...Happy Hour at Starbucks..£1.37 for a frappucino - yes please!  Rhianna.  My new iphone. 

Have a great weekend y'all xx

Friday 6 May 2011


Wedding season and the trip down under is finally over for another year!  And something has just occurred to me - neither bride threw her bouquet.  So clearly no Tinkerbell wedding any time soon.  What a shame, I was totally look forward to recreating something very similar to Kate's big day..ha!

There was no lost boy action what so ever while I was away.  Unless you count a certain ex lost boy who managed to undo my bra while giving me a hug.  In public.  I kid you not.  "Ex" lost boy indeed, it's only a matter of time before he sees the light.  Oh and did I mention another ex lost boy decided to declare his love to me via text message?  While at home with his wife-to-be? Again, I kid you not.

I seem to be noticing a theme with these men down under.  It is slim pickin's I tell ya!  Did you know that there are approximately 20,000 more females in the 25-35 age group than males?  It doesn't take a mathematician to work out what that means for the ladies.  hmmpph.

Anyway, thankfully doesn't seem to have the same problem with numbers but quality is still an issue.  So I'm hoping the odds are on my side in my quest for lost boys (probably should say "boy" but I'm of the "try before you buy" camp).

So here's to a weekend of great odds - two birthday parties no less! And the other half of the A Team returns :-)



Friday 25 March 2011

T G I F ! ! It's Fill in the Blanks Friday

My most prized possession is:  For practical reasons - my mobile, passport, purse, keys and oyster card.  For sentimental reasons - photos of my friends and family, the jewellery I wear everyday, my Miu Miu sunglasses and my bag from LFW.

If I could be one age for the rest of my life, I would want to be: 24, just out of uni, first "real" job, looked great..not a worry in the world except for what to do at the weekend.
The best way to spend a weekend is:  with good friends, having fun, good food and wine, sunny weather and no stress (hopefully what this weekend will bring!).
My outlook on life is:  Everything happens for a reason.  Lots of things are out of our control, there is no point getting stressed when other people make choices that don't work for you - it is their choice and you just have to get on with it.
If you want to annoy me, just:  Argh where to start?!  Push in front of me while trying to get on/off tube, don't wash your dishes properly, talk about yourself constantly, ignore me while serving me in your shop (damn you I'm paying your wages!), boys who don't txt back!  Ok that's enough, I'll stop.
I am completely defenseless when it comes to:  Good food and wine, I have no self control. None.
When dressing for the day one should:  Wear something that makes you feel good (and comfortable - it's all about comfort).
Have a grand weekend xx

Friday 18 March 2011

Friday Fun!

It's Fill in the Blanks Friday!  I got this great idea from Amy who is also living and working overseas but in Doha.

1. When I get a day to myself I like to eat my breakfast in bed while reading a good book, stay in my pjamas until lunchtime, buy all the yummy food I like and cook something tasty and eat it all myself, watch trash on tv while under a duvet and stay in the shower for AGES!

2. High school was unmemorable.  There were some girls in my year who weren't nice and made going to school pretty awful some days.  I seem to have blocked most of the five years out of my memory, and the things I do remember were when I actually stopped caring about what other people thought and just tried to enjoy myself!

3. A little dream I have is to go back and work at my summer camp in the States for four months.  Such a dream as I can't afford it :(

4. A big dream I have is to own my own house somewhere in the world and have pets (and maybe a man and some children) and a big garden (that I will hire a gardener to look after!) and a massive kitchen with all the gadgets I've ever wanted (current wants - food processor and ice cream machine)

5. If I could drive any car my pick would be a Mini Cooper in an outrageous colour or some amazing Jaguar with a fold down roof to drive on sunny days (both maybe?)

6. A time I felt really and truly beautiful was ummmm...thats a really difficult question, I can't remember the last time.

7. Tomorrow I will be going to the gym, meeting the girls for a walk and a tasty afternoon tea and then home for a date with the TV.

Happy Weekend friends xx